We came close to having The Arrangement come to life on multiple occasions. Then, the same thing happened: they read up to book 5 and decided there’s no way to do it. It’s too dark. There are several scenes like that in this series, scenes that were almost edited out, scenes that the fans voted on keeping in the book.
So we had two options: Keep Sean dark and keep those scenes the way they are — and never see Sean on the screen — or lighten him up and pander to executives that have never been a part of the story?
Then, a lot of people suggested a third option by asking: Why don’t we make this movie ourselves?
It’s a good question. The series was published independently, so why not make the movie independently as well? The truth is we took a run at this a few years ago. Everything was going great until my son was abruptly hospitalized for months. It wasn’t possible to continue then, but it is now. With a team of experienced film professionals by my side, I could get hit by a car during production and it wouldn’t stop things this time.
So there are just two questions:
- Do you want to see Sean Ferro in the flesh?
- Should we keep Sean Ferro as dark as he is the books?
What do you want? Because this project is all about you. You’re the reader, the fan who made this series what it is today. This series sold nearly 13 million copies worldwide because you love it, because you shared it, and because you couldn’t stop talking about it.
Offering a way for you to participate is huge, and crowdfunding allows for tons of involvement. The nature of it is communal, and it’s an easy way for you to be involved. No sane person would ever do a Kickstarter for fun, because it’s a massive amount of work–but for something like this? It’s worth it. The Arrangement books have been fan-driven from the start, so it makes sense that the film has lots of fan involvement, too. You are part of the DNA of this series.
Before you go totally nuts and squee all over the place, I want you to calm yourself down and then head over and read the crowdfunding page. Maybe you saw and read it the other day when I sent out the preview invite. Either way, I made a few last second changes based on your replies. Hopefully, I made it better.
I’d love to hear what you think. The campaign went live a few moments ago.
Your comments and feedback are more than welcome! I might be sitting here obsessively watching the screen. Maybe. Probably. Okay, I am! This is nerve wracking. Come over and talk to me. Tell me this isn’t for nothing.
I look forward to hearing from you!